
Manuel Ferri Gandía

Biografia castellano:

Manuel Ferri Gandía es licenciado en Bellas Artes y en la actualidad combina su trabajo de animador e ilustrador independiente con la escritura de su tesis doctoral centrada en la obra de Ray Harryhausen. Como estudiante presentó sus dos primeros cortometrajes animados en el festival de Annecy, a la vez que comenzaba a introducirse en la industria formando parte de la segunda generación de animadores surgida de la productora Tirannosaurus a finales de los 90. A partir de ahí ha trabajado en Potens Plastianimation, Conflictivos Producciones y Clay Animation, donde estuvo involucrado en la segunda temporada de la serie Clay Kids. Es además coleccionista de objetos relacionados con los clásicos de Walt Disney, una afición que a menudo le hace comportarse como uno de los Henry Jones.

Biografía inglés:

Manuel Ferri Gandía holds a Degree in Fine Arts, and he currently combines his work as independent animator and illustrator with writing his PhD thesis focused on the work of Ray Harryhausen. As a student he screened his first two animated short films at the Annecy festival, while he was recruited by the Valencian animation industry as part of the second generation of animators emerged from Tirannosaurus, at the end of the 90s From there he has worked in Potens Plastianimation, Conflictivos Productions and Clay Animation, where he has been involved in the second season of the series Clay Kids. He is also a collector of objects related to classic Walt Disney productions, a hobby which often makes him behave as one of the Henry Jones’.